Benefits of Having a Mentor

Unlocking Employee Potential: Insights from Menttium's Participants We recently reviewed survey and interview data from a cohort of 270 mentees to better understand their goals and challenges. Our findings offer valuable insights into the key challenges employees face and the most sought-after development areas. Key Challenges Facing...

Understanding the Differences Between Mentoring and Coaching In the realm of professional and personal development, mentoring and coaching are two powerful approaches that can significantly enhance an individual's growth. Despite their similarities, these two methods have distinct characteristics and applications. This blog post will explore the...

Constant change is the norm in today’s corporate America. In the healthcare industry, the volatile environment is compounded by the uncertainty of the legislative and regulatory climate. Simultaneously, many healthcare companies have been merging, divesting, expanding into new global markets, introducing new products and services...

Vera Michelle Lewis, Vice President of Development and Communications at the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), sits down with Megan Cummings-Krueger. They discuss mental health in the workplace, caregiving, and the transformative power of mentoring. Vera’s journey is deeply personal and professional, combining her...

Empowering Leaders Through Mentoring Since 1991, Menttium has empowered individuals and corporations through workplace mentoring programs. We pride ourselves on creating programs that enhance engagement and build future leaders by unlocking potential. In a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, where personal and professional demands...

Lynn Sontag, Menttium owner, shares valuable lessons from her 25+ years leading the global mentoring organization. In this inaugural episode of the Menttium podcast, host Solveig Brown explores Lynn’s journey and key insights that have shaped her leadership style. They also discuss how to achieve...