
Your Nomination & Communication Strategy

Mentee Nomination & Internal Communication

We’ve rolled out programs at hundreds of large and small corporations. We can guide you through the process from nomination to enrollment.

Nomination Strategies

Manager Nomination

  • Ensures manager buy-in and support in protecting time and prioritizing the year of mentoring
  • Provides a link to expected outcomes of the organization


  • Creates an environment of voluntary participation
  • Provides a broader pool of potential mentees that may not have been identified for succession planning or as a high-potential otherwise

Human Resources or Centralized Nomination

  • Controlled process applied to organization’s strategic goals
  • Diversity & Inclusion (supporting specific demographics that are under-represented at higher levels in the organization including women and professionals of color)
  • Succession Planning (Baby Boomers & Gen Y)
  • Cross-functional, cross-industry learning for siloed areas of the business
Participant Selection by 9 Box Ratings

Menttium Cross-Company programs are designed to support the development of your key talent or high potential employees – those in the 4-box upper right quadrant. “High potential” is generally defined as the ability to take on increasingly broad or complex accountabilities as the business needs change during the next 12-18 months.

Menttium participants should fall into one of the four high potential categories:

Assessment test

Future Star

  • Employees that fall into this box have demonstrated high potential but need development to be ready for their next promotion.
  • They demonstrate strong leadership skills.
  • They need development to obtain extraordinary results.

Consistent Star

  • Employees that fall into this box are your Top Talent. They are strong candidates for promotion.
  • They are role model leaders.
  • You are preparing them for more strategic roles.

Key Player

  • Employees that fall into this box need development to improve both performance results and leadership skills.
  • They are generally the largest group in an organization.
  • They meet their targets and have potential for growth.
  • They are core employees that the organization wants to motivate, engage and reward.

Current Star

  • Employees that fall into this box are high performers who need to be challenged and given stretch targets to retain them.
  • They need development to bring out the best in others and leverage teamwork.
  • They are strong contributors that the organization wants to retain.
Additional Mentee Readiness Indicators
  • Recently completed a formal management or leadership development program
  • Recently completed a graduate degree
  • Limited cross-organizational, cross-industry experience or exposure
  • Just returned from, or is preparing to take on, a foreign assignment
  • Recently accepted a stretch assignment
  • Expanded cross-functional responsibilities
  • Responsibility for managing virtual teams
  • Moved from headquarters to field position or vice versa
  • Moved from line to staff position or vice versa
  • Exhibited the need for increase executive presence to continue high-levelcontribution to the organization
Internal Criteria to Consider
  • Time in current position
  • Time at organization
  • Retention Risk
  • Diversity Status
Suggested Nomination Process
  1. Announce Program Company Wide to Key Stakeholders
  2. Request Nominations for Mentees and Mentors from selected source – mentees, managers or HRBPs
  3. Distribute Program Overview to those making the selection i.e. HR Business Partners
  4. Send Notification to Selected Employees’ Managers
  5. Send Congratulatory Letter to Selected Mentees
Mentor Nominations

Enroll your senior leaders to become mentors with Menttium as a strategy to:

  • Strengthen their leadership skills
  • Improve their ability to coach and develop their own employees
  • Gain ideas and perspectives from other organizations
  • Get first-hand exposure to the challenges facing next generation leaders

To qualify as a Menttium mentor, your leaders must be:

  • Well respected and reputable senior-level executives
  • Demonstrated leaders with broad experience
  • Willing to offer their expertise and time (typically 1-3 hours per month for a 12 month duration)
  • Open to giving and receiving constructive feedback
Sample Program Announcement for Key Leaders

Key leaders provide important perspectives for nominations of program participants – mentees and mentors. Use this form to communicate your partnership with Menttium and the key details needed to make nominations. Customize to reflect your company’s goals for the program.



Dear <Key Leader>,


We are pleased to announce our partnership with Menttium Corporation. Menttium offers formal Cross-Company mentoring programs for high-potential employees and emerging leaders, and matches them with senior level leaders from different companies for a year-long partnership. In addition to a customized match with a mentor, Menttium will support our designated participants with goal setting, developing a professional network and offers supplemental business education webinars.


Cross-Company mentoring provides us with an opportunity to recognize and reward our high-performing, high-potential talent. Participants in Menttium programs, over 95% of the time, have increased desire to stay at their current companies (retention), increased engagement in their jobs and see faster promotion rates due to increased confidence, leadership skills and the opportunity to practice new concepts with their external mentor.


We can also provide a unique opportunity for our senior-level leaders to become potential mentors for high-performing professionals from another participating company. This experience provides senior leaders with an unparalleled perspective on mid-level management issues, as well as insight into challenges and opportunities other industries face.


Our partner, Menttium Corporation, provides all the tools, training and support for participant success including mentor effectiveness training.


At this time, we are currently seeking nominations for program participation. Qualified mentees and mentors should be committed to personal and professional development and must be willing to commit one to two hours per month for a full year.


We will place <NUMBER> mentees and <NUMBER> mentors in <Program Name(s)>. If you have a candidate you would like to nominate, please forward your nomination to me by <DATE>.


Best Regards,



Sample Nomination Announcement for Human Resources Business Partners

Human Resources Business Partners can be utilized to help narrow a list of nominations, to access HR records or data used in the selection process or to help ensure program nominations are aligned to corporate goals such as inclusion or diversity efforts. Use this form to communicate your partnership with Menttium and the key criteria needed to make nominations. Customize to reflect your company’s goals for the program.


Dear <HRBP>,


We are pleased to announce our partnership with Menttium Corporation. Menttium offers formal Cross-Company mentoring programs for high-potential employees and emerging leaders, and matches them with senior level leaders from different companies for a year-long partnership. In addition to a customized match with a mentor, Menttium will support our designated participants with goal setting, developing a professional network and offers supplemental business education webinars.


Cross-Company mentoring provides us with an opportunity to recognize and reward our high-performing, high-potential talent. Participants in Menttium programs, over 95% of the time, have increased desire to stay at their current companies (retention), increased engagement in their jobs and see faster promotion rates due to increased confidence, leadership skills and the opportunity to practice new concepts with their external mentor before trying to implement a new concept within their current roles.


We can also provide a unique development opportunity to our senior-level leaders to become potential mentors to high-performing professionals from another participating company. This opportunity provides senior leaders with an unparalleled perspective on mid-level management issues, as well as insight into challenges and opportunities other industries face.


Our partner, Menttium Corporation, provides all the tools, training and support for participant success including mentor effectiveness training.


At this time, we are currently seeking nominations for program participation. Qualified mentees and mentors should be committed to personal and professional development and must be willing to commit one to two hours per month for a full year. Additional guidelines for nominations:


  • 6+ years of experience
  • Grade Level
  • X Years of experience with company
  • 9 Box Rating



We will place <NUMBER> mentees and six mentors in <Program Name(s)>. We have requested nominations from key leaders, but we will rely on you to be part of the final nomination and selection process to ensure we are enrolling the strongest candidates and we will form a wait list for anyone not selected in this round. Please forward your nomination to me by <DATE>.


Best Regards,



Notification to Selected Employees' Managers

Use this sample communication to inform supervisors and managers of their employee’s participation in the Menttium program, and to outline the expectations for managers.



Dear <Manager of Mentee>,


We are pleased that <Employee Name> has been selected to participate in the upcoming Menttium Program, a cross-company mentoring program that matches high-performing, mid-level professionals with senior leaders from another company for a year of one-to-one mentoring. Additionally, the program offers business education sessions and networking opportunities with business professionals across the globe.


You play an essential role in supporting and reinforcing <Employee Name>’s learning and development in this year-long program. Below are the highlights of the program and the expectations of both you and your employee.


Prior to the Program Launch, <Employee Name> will:

  • Attend an online Program Orientation
  • Complete a Pre-Mentoring Assessment
  • Prepare goals and objectives for the program
  • Complete an online profile phone interview with Menttium staff


During the Program Year <Employee Name> will need to protect time to:

  • Attend the online Program Launch event
  • Meet for 1-2 hours monthly with her/his mentor
  • Attend online business education webinars on leadership development topics
  • Complete online check-in surveys quarterly that are used to provide measurement data back to your organization


As a manager, your role is to:

  • Discuss with your employee why she/he was selected for the program, and how you will support full participation
  • Complete a Pre-Mentoring Assessment for your employee
  • Assist your employee in developing program goals and identifying possible growth opportunities
  • Respect the confidentiality of discussions between <Employee Name> and his/her mentor
  • At mid-year, you will be asked to complete an online check-in survey measuring your employee’s progress
  • At the end of the program, you will be asked to complete a Post-Mentoring Assessment, measurement data will be utilized by our organization to determine the success of the program


This opportunity enables your employee to expand her/his leadership and management skills, and is likely to positively impact her/his effectiveness in the organization. It is a mentee-driven experience; your employee will be expected to lead the partnership. Please afford her/him the flexibility to take full advantage of the program. Thank you for your support.  I look forward to partnering with you and will act as your primary contact for questions.


Best Regards,



Congratulatory Letter to Selected Mentees from CEO or Senior Champion

A direct communication from the CEO conveys the distinguishing honor of an employee’s participation in this program.  It reinforces the message that the program is important to your company’s leadership. Use this sample as the suggested text for a communication from your CEO or a Senior Champion to selected mentees.



Dear <Mentee>,


Congratulations on your nomination into the Menttium Cross-Company Mentoring Program. We are pleased to make this investment in your professional development and know you will maximize this opportunity before you. As you develop your goals and objectives for the coming year, keep our business strategies in mind:


  • Strategy 1
  • Strategy 2


Aligning your professional goals to your organization’s strategies is part of the art of leadership. We hope you will achieve an optimal balance for both through the Menttium Mentoring Program.


We look forward to your success in this program. We anticipate that it will increase your confidence, improve your ability to take professional risks, expand your decision-making skills and help you to spark innovative solutions to work challenges.


I welcome your comments, suggestions and questions about how you can best leverage this unparalleled development opportunity. Best wishes for success.


Best Regards,



Congratulatory Letter to Selected Mentees from Human Resources

Use these communications to congratulate mentee nominees and advise them of the upcoming Program Orientation.



Dear <Mentee Name>,


Congratulations! As one of our <emerging leaders>, you have been nominated to participate as a mentee in a Menttium mentoring program. This elite cross-company program brings together the most promising talent from a variety of companies for a year of unparalleled professional and personal development. As a mentee, you will join other highly talented future leaders from around the world to engage in formal one-to-one mentoring.  Based on your development goals, you will be matched with a senior leader from another company for one-to-one meetings focused on your professional development.  Menttium will be contacting you to establish a time to learn more about you and your preferences for a mentor.


The mentor you will be matched with will have/be:


  • Broad and extensive professional experience
  • A track record of strong performance and leadership
  • Effective communication and feedback skills
  • Open to the two-way learning inherent in a mentoring partnership
  • Motivated to mentor
  • Willing to invest time each month for mentoring meetings


You were nominated by <(Name – i.e.: your leadership team; your manager; a colleague, etc.)> in recognition of your contributions and to provide you with additional development opportunities. You join <Number> other <Your Company Name> mentees in this year’s program.


Please watch for an email from Menttium which will provide you with more details on how to begin your mentoring experience.


Please contact me with any questions you may have.


Best Regards,


<Signature – HR point of Contact>