Mentee Resources | Executive Presence

Executive Presence

Explore valuable resources for diverse perspectives on Executive Presence – a top-requested skill development area among Menttium mentees. Project qualities that demonstrate confidence and strategic understanding on a variety of topics and situations at an executive level. Qualities include effective communications, a confident nature, strong business acumen and a demeanor that is calm, respectful, and trustworthy.

Conversation Starters

Leverage these conversation starter examples as questions to ask yourself and others to gain insight on the topic of Executive Presence.

Know Your Values

Intentional Communication

Identify what is important to you to ensure you align your environment to your values.

Adam Dill
Vice President, Sales

Practical advice about taking the good and bad advice and being able to know the difference as well as being true to your authentic self.

Peter Vorbich
Retired Global Executive

Seek to Understand

The Ask

Understand others perspectives before trying to have your own perspective understood.

Thomas Schlick
Retired Executive, Author and Professor

Think about who you are engaging with and how what you want from them can be a win-win for both of you.

Karen Laos
Speaker, Author, Host, Trainer, and Coach

Appearance & Presence

Think about how you want to be received and dress to be confident.

James Prince
Director, Client Success & Strategic Client Experience

TED Talks

