Recognizing the Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

Vera Lewis, Vice President of Development and Communications at Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Vera Lewis Vice President of Development and Communications for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

In this episode, we connect with Vera Michelle Lewis, who is the Vice President of Development and Communications for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. We focus on the topic of mental health – which is increasingly being recognized not as a stigma, but as a human issue that we will all deal with at some point in our lives. In fact, with global unhappiness currently at an all time high, many of us are seeking a way to increase our own sense of well-being right now. Vera shares openly and authentically what she has learned (both professionally and personally), through the lens of a female professional of color. And her message of reaching out to others, not surprisingly, echoes the essence of mentoring.

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