Transform Your Career with Cross-Company Mentoring

Designed to evaluate the key factors that determine your preparedness for a formal mentoring relationship, this assessment provides invaluable insights into your personal and professional readiness. Understanding these critical elements—such as your goals, commitment level, communication skills, and openness to feedback—ensures that you are poised to make the most of a mentoring opportunity. By taking our Mentee Readiness Assessment, you’ll gain a clearer picture of your strengths and areas for growth, setting the stage for a successful and transformative mentoring experience.

12 Months | A Life Transformed | Are you Ready?

Effective Mentee Characteristics
Instinctive Effort
To Receive a Printable Copy of Your Results
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Who Should Enroll? Managers, Directors, Executives mid career, with a growth mindset

12 Months ~ 1-2 Hours / Month


We have new cohorts launching every quarter.

Optional Business Education Webinars held monthly. All sessions are recorded for post event viewing.