Return on Mentoring Investment

Accelerating Leadership Development and Advancing Diversity with Menttium

In today’s dynamic business landscape, there are numerous economic, demographic, and market indicators driving the need for organizations to prioritize leadership development. At Menttium, we’ve been at the forefront of this movement for over 30 years, supporting our clients in expanding their bench of future leaders. Through our structured mentoring experiences, we help clients enhance their performance culture capabilities, which in turn, fosters a more inclusive high-performing workplace.

The Importance of Structured Mentoring

Traditionally, mentoring has been used primarily for career growth, often neglecting the development of leadership and performance capabilities within an organization. At Menttium, we take a unique approach to structured mentoring, focusing not only on individual career growth but also on leveraging leadership and performance capabilities across the organization. For example, our cross-company mentoring programs include an assessment, goal setting, action/experience, reflection, and dialogue with a trusted mentor, all aimed at delivering measurable outcomes through our Return on Mentoring™ (ROM) framework.

Accelerate Leadership Development

Leadership development is a critical driver of business performance. Accordingly, developing current and future leaders requires the active participation of senior leaders and direct managers. In addition, there must be the ability to track and evaluate development and performance outcomes. To achieve this, organizations need to involves sustained long-term development, real-time goal setting and experiential learning, all aligned with the organization’s strategic business objectives. This approach increases organizational agility, enabling quick execution, testing, and revision of business strategies in response to market changes.

As such, Menttium’s structured mentoring system supports this development process, encouraging employees to take on projects that promote leadership skills, set and implement development goals, and fully utilize their strengths within the organization. By fostering structured relationships with mentors, bosses, peers, and others, employees receive continual coaching, feedback, and positive influence, enriching their learning and enhancing organizational performance.

Advance Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

As diversity in labor and customer markets continues to grow, organizations must focus on creating inclusive work environments where there is a sense of belonging. Inclusion involves valuing and respecting all individuals. Furthermore, companies should promote challenging assignments for all leadership talent, which will encourage talent to thrive. Additionally, leveraging the talent of diverse leaders positively impacts business performance when learning is associated with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, is job-relevant, and focuses on developing capabilities to adapt to workforce and marketplace realities.

At Menttium, our structured mentoring partnerships are tailored to the unique needs of each mentee and their organization. By hand-picking mentors who can add value in specific areas, we support mentees in achieving their goals, professional growth, and increased leadership performance. Consequently, this approach enables organizations to leverage their leadership talent effectively, realizing a Return on Mentoring™.

Boost Performance Culture Capabilities

Organizational culture is shaped by the systems, processes, and practices designed and implemented by leaders. With this in mind, Menttium has revolutionized formal mentoring by simultaneously developing leadership and performance capabilities that foster a performance culture. Mentees address workplace challenges, gain insights on management and leadership, and continuously apply their learning to positively impact their organization.

A performance culture supports:

  • continual learning
  • risk-taking
  • interdependence among employees and groups
  • fosters collaborative idea generation
  • internal and external networking
  • cross-functional communication
  • tools like dashboards and scorecards to align individual and unit goals, ensuring ownership and accountability
  • leaders who communicate and demonstrate values, including inclusion, through consistent words and behaviors

Proven Outcomes

Measuring the outcomes of a structured developmental mentoring program is integral to a client organization’s talent management strategy. In response to this need, we integrate measurement processes to identify both quantitative and qualitative outcomes. Our structured mentoring system supports individual career growth while leveraging leadership and performance capabilities within the organization.

Our clients experience significant improvements in leadership and performance through our structured mentoring program. Moreover, we are continuously measuring and evaluating the impact of mentoring on individual and organizational performance. Through measuring results, we help clients achieve sustainable business results.


To summarized, Menttium offers mentoring solutions that drive individual growth and organizational impact over the long term. Our structured mentoring partnerships are tailored to the unique needs of each mentee and their organization. They support goal achievement, professional growth, and increased leadership performance. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation, we help organizations create a sustainable performance culture. In turn, that culture drives business success.

For over 30 years, Menttium has successfully supported clients in enhancing performance culture capabilities. Our rigorous mentoring process focuses on development objectives. This focus delivers measurable outcomes and well over 100% return on your nominal investment. Thus, this what we call Return on Mentoring (ROM).